Shooting with the Zeiss Ikoflex, and the importance of good clearance around photo subjects

First outing with the Zeiss Ikoflex. A beutiful medium format TLR camera. It’s strange and wonderfull, and I even took some images.

First outing with the Zeiss Ikoflex. A beutiful medium format TLR camera. It’s strange and wonderfull, and I even took some images.

Why there aren’t any professional landscape photographers

Surely there must be some professional landscape photographers out there?Yes, there are multiple. Just search on youtube and you will find multiple people who live solely as landscape photographers. But, and there is a but. They aren’t really making any money out of landscape photography, not the pictures themself. Do another youtube search for landscape photographer money, … Continue reading “Why there aren’t any professional landscape photographers”

Good enough! A real-life review of the Samyang/Rokinon12 mm f/2

It’s tiny, it’s fast, and it’s cheap. Samyang is well known for making affordable lenses that punch way over its price point. Also known as Rokinon in some places of the world. I prefer Samyang lenses over Rokinon, solely based on that the name sounds better to my ears. This is a short review of … Continue reading “Good enough! A real-life review of the Samyang/Rokinon12 mm f/2”

How to photograph more for yourself

How to photograph more for yourself Last year I made almost zero landscape photographs. Almost zero! Something needed changing. I noticed this as I was winter cleaning my photography archive. Last year I was only out shooting for myself a couple of times. The rest was event photography for clients. How come I wasn’t I shooting more … Continue reading “How to photograph more for yourself”

How photo exhibitions made me fall in love with grain

Noise is bad! I should be able to shoot in the dark without noise in my pictures! My camera really should handle ISO of 128 000 better than this! If you’re a photographer, you probably recognise yourself to some degree. If your not, don’t worry I won’t get too nerdy, I promise. I’m a photographer. … Continue reading “How photo exhibitions made me fall in love with grain”

My rules for street photography that you shouldn’t follow

There are no rules! Let’s get that out of the way. Street photography is plain and simple photography on, or of, an urban street. And you could even discuss if it needs to be an urban environment. However, when I set up some constraints or rules for myself, I become more creative, and I try … Continue reading “My rules for street photography that you shouldn’t follow”

Street Photography A Useful Passion And How I Discovered It

It was a dark a miserable Tuesday evening. The rain had just finally stopped for a moment. That photography itch was itching badly! I wanted to go out and shoot something. The sun had set hours ago, and the clouds were still gloomy grey. The opportunity for landscape photography where non-existing. Cityscapes! I thought to … Continue reading “Street Photography A Useful Passion And How I Discovered It”